Arsbiomedica has an intensive care unit equipped with 2 beds, capable of handling any medical, cardiological, and surgical emergency. The medical-intensive care team is available around the clock.

In addition to the Intensive Care Unit, the ward has an additional 7 beds equipped for sub-intensive therapy to allow for multiparametric monitoring and video surveillance of the patient, if the post-operative course suggests it.

During hospitalization, to protect the correct treatment of personal data, Arsbiomedica staff are not authorized to provide telephone information about the patients’ health status.

Intensive therapy can anticipate risk and prevent the unexpected.

Predicting and preventing risks: this is the primary function of intensive therapy, not only for post-operative care following scheduled surgeries but also for real-time management of unforeseen critical events during diagnoses or treatments.

In the Intensive Therapy Center at Arsbiomedica, great emphasis is placed on the multidisciplinary nature of intensive care (surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiologists, 24-hour diagnostic services, and specialized nurses).

Intensive therapy is essential and indispensable for ensuring patient safety in surgical and medical activities. It serves as a “safety parachute” for the patient. The quality of intensive therapy at Arsbiomedica depends not only on the quality of the technology used but primarily on the competence of the medical and nursing team, without which technology can achieve little.

The aim is the well-being of the individual.

The Intensive Therapy team pays great attention to humanizing the environment: from extended and flexible visiting hours, to respecting day-night rhythms, to appropriate communication with patients and their relatives.

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